Saturday 17 September 2011

Waking up the giant....say whaaat?

Ever since I first laid eyes on the Sleeping Giant, I have been in awe. I can sit at the top of Hillcrest Park with our dog Lucy and just feel his presence and energy.

The Ojibway legend identifies the Sleeping Giant as Nanabijou, spirit of the deep sea who was turned to stone after the secret location of the rich silver mine was discolsed to white people. Well, Nanabijou, you may be sleeping, but you inspire me to live healthier and take chances!

So waking up the giant? Well I've always had the feelings that I've wanted to dream big, and have the guts to follow my heart and live my dreams. Growing up a super quiet and shy kid, I never knew how to express these feelings...but now that I am an adult, things are coming together.

I grew up in a small town and lived in the city the past several years....and really mostly felt lost inside.

Thunder Bay was never the plan. Mark and I wanted to live far away from the big, hectic city. We packed up, put our stuff in storage with the intention of driving out to Alberta and experience some time in the mountains....we never made it passed Thunder Bay. The universe was telling us to stay.

I think we all have a giant inside of us wanting to come out. Most of society gets caught up in a routine and never give any thought to stepping out of their comfort bubble....even to explore the wonders of mother nature and even man-made history in their own town. I see it here and I've done it myself.

Every year thousands of people take a trip to Ottawa to see the Parliament Buildings and take pictures. I caught the bus there for several years and never bothered to look.

Mark and I promised ourselves that Thunder Bay was going to be different...and it has been. We go to work, but also we take time to get out of the house! 

This blog will be about my life in Thunder Bay. We have only been here a few months and we both have good jobs and have met so many super awesome job allows me to meet so many people and they have all been helpful and welcoming. I`ve also participated in a street festival and have gotten people excited about my favourite hobby: hooping!!! and my picture made it into the local paper, how cool is that!!...more hooping will come in future posts!

This blog will be a nice outlet of expression for me...   But I hope it will inspire people to to wake up the giant within themselves.


  1. Hi Sheena,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog yesterday. The subject of bullying has been on my mind so much lately, it's hard not to write about it.
    I'm glad I was able to find your blog, and look forward to following you & your adventures in Thunder Bay. (I had no idea that's where you were living these days!)
    I feel like my giant is just starting to waken, myself...Sad, isn't it, to say that at age 28? But it feels like I'm just starting to realize the possibilities, and my own potential.
    Seems we have that in common. :)
    Thanks again and hope you're having a great day.

  2. Hey Jill,
    Thanks for stopping by and subscribing. :) I remember you from hockey days and always thought you were awesome. It's neat to cross paths with you once again. Only recently, life started changing (for the better) when I started to trust myself and my intuition, and the life process unfolding in front of me. There's an amazing world out there and for the first time, I'm trying to rid my insecurities and experience life to the fullest. I wish you the same :)
